Hearts For Ukraine
Pastor Enock praying with children, Kenya

Our Mission Expands to Other Nations! Kenya

KENYA and Pastor Enock

In recent years, God has placed other nations on my heart. We connected with a pastor in Kenya, Africa, about three years ago who himself has an orphan ministry. Pastor Enock was called by God from the city where he was living – to a slum area. Other pastors did not want to minister there, but Enock said yes. He moved his family to Nakuru village and adopted over 30 children.

Enock provides for these orphan kids and for the widows in his church. He also has a youth carpentry program where he teaches the older youth how to work and help support their community, and at the same time, learn a trade that will help them become self-sufficient in the future.

For the last 2 years we have been supporting Pastor Enock with prayer, encouragement, and financial help, and more recently have helped him make his land payments.

Pastor Enock with orphans, Kenya

In February, I will be traveling to Kenya to minister and pray with Pastor Enock and his church family.  I leave on February 22 and will be there for 6 days.

In James 1:27, we read, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

Please pray for me and for this man of God, Pastor Enock and his children. And if you feel led to give, it will certainly be a blessing!  Thank you!

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