Fall Mission 2011

Dear friends,

Later this month begins our next mission to Ukraine. I firmly believe that God wants us to begin on October 28, 2011 in order to participate in a golden opportunity for ministry! So I have taken my faith and turned it into action by setting up this mission trip at this time.

I will be meeting up with my colleagues, Pastor Peter and my translator Yuri Gulyanitsky. We have worked together several times before and we expect God to do wonderful things through us and around us again this time!

In Keeping with Our Mission

Caring for orphans and praying for the nation is God’s purpose for

Hearts for Ukraine, Inc.

Our focus this Fall will be no different.

In Donetsk region (in Eastern Ukraine),
there are several orphanages that we have been to
and we would love to visit these children again!

Our team will bless the children with gifts,
and give them encouragement from God’s Word.

As always, we tell them how much our Father loves and cares for them!

We are also believing that God’s power will manifest in
signs, wonders, healing, deliverance and salvation!!!

Off the Beaten Path …

There is a remote location, where I believe God has been leading us to visit. It is called, Sverdlosk. I am hoping and praying that we’ll get a chance to go there during this visit and see what God has in store for us and those we’ll meet!  It is far from where we will be staying and I am told the road to this city is in terrible shape with potholes and ruts all along the way! But God will find a way when there is no way! There we will pray for the region and look for opportunities to give witness to the saving grace of Jesus and bring God’s Kingdom to the locals.

The Mission Can’t Go on Without Your Help.

I am blessed that God gives me and others the opportunity to travel abroad to bring His Kingdom Love and Power to others.  Missionaries are believers in Jesus and his Word, but we are also doers of his Word!  Maybe you can’t go to the mission field, but the Holy Spirit stirs you when you read about Jesus’ Great Comission to go and preach to all nations; to teach all that he has commanded; to heal the sick and to cast out demons in His Name! But you wonder, “How can I answer the call?”  Here’s an answer …. Give!

Yes! Support missions such as Hearts for Ukraine.

We are on need of $1,500 for travel expenses,

to purchase gifts for the orphans

and to provide translation and transportation for the team.

Your donation large or small

is how you can put your faith in action!

By writing a check, or reaching into your wallet

you are saying “Yes!” to Jesus’ Commission.

And you are giving back to God – in faith –

a portion of what he has blessed you with!

It is an honor to do the Lord’s work!  I am really fired up about this particular trip!! I truly thank you for your support and prayers as I joyfully serve the One who Saves us all !!!

For His Children,

Alfred Scoglio, Missions Director