December Mission 9-December 2010


I have safely arrived and have great news to tell as well as some interesting happenings.  Read on!

Al Scoglio, Missions Director

My journey to Ukraine was great up until I landed in Amsterdam. It was snowing to beat the band! (That’s an American expression for it was snowing very much.) I was supposed to have a 4- hour layover in Amsterdam Saturday, but my connecting flight to Ukraine got cancelled. After waiting in many long lines I got a new ticket to Kyiv for the following day, along with a hotel voucher. I was disappointed because this means important work planned for Kharkov has to be cut short.

I spent my birthday in two airports, one airplane and a train!  But in Kyiv, my friend Vladimir had a birthday meal and presents for me at his home, then he brought me to the train station. I did have a good birthday, despite the travel set back. I thought my luggage was lost, even filed a claim arriving in Kyiv on Sunday. But somehow my bags arrived before me and were in a back room! I got to sleep in at the hotel and on the train which arrived  Monday morning at 10AM. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and prayers! After the 1-day delay in Amsterdam, I finally arrived in Kyiv, Ukraine Sunday evening. Monday, I arrived in Kharkov. All is well, praise God!

Tuesday, 7-December: We’re back on track in Kharhov with a few schedule adjustments: Today we go to Volchansk children’s shelter, just a day trip, not overnight. I am advised not to take the bus alone into Volchansk for political and safety reasons – thus the schedule change. Today we will give the children at this Volchansk shelter mirrors and bubbles and scarves. Tomorrow we visit another shelter in Kharkov City. Hearts for Ukraine is purchasing a microwave oven for the orphanage, which they are in need of. But most important, all will hear the true Word of God – the message of Hope, Salvation and Deliverance that only Jesus, the Christ can provide!

I have some disappointing news, the Christian rehab center in Khakov has closed. Last summer when we were here, the government was planning to take the land back, which would mean they would get the building too. Unfortunately, this seems to have happened. I am still praying for a miracle that it will somehow be returned to the pastors who gutted and refurbished the building and started the center about 6 years ago. Hundreds of adult addicts found sobriety here, and many found Jesus! Please join me in prayer for this miracle!

So far plans for Lugansk are the same. I have all my train tickets, And I have translators beginning today through the end of the trip! Praise God for that!

Finally, please continue to pray and support this ministry. We still need an additional $1,000 to reach our goal for providing gifts for the children, travel expenses, etc. And there is still time to give as I can receive funds while here in Ukraine. We also need to raise an additional $1,200 for the filing of non-profit status with the US federal government.

Thank you all again for praying, contributing and following me thru Facebook and these newsletters! God bless you!

With an open heart for the children,

Alfred Scoglio,
Missions Director