Hearts for Ukraine Prepares Team for Summer Orphans Trip

June 17, 2010

We leave in just one week on June 23, 2010 and we are very excited about our itinerary and visits to orphanages and summer camps.  This time, I am teaming up with some awesome people who love the Lord and love children, and are gifted in bringing the message of the Father’s Love to children. Our members are all from The Vineyard Community Church in Kingston, Massachusetts, which the Hearts for Ukraine ministry was birthed out of. All of us currently work in the Disciple Island children’s program. Now it’s my pleasure to introduce to you, Anita and Brenda! 

Brenda Smith (Zapppy)  Hi!  My name is Brenda Smith , sometimes known as Zappy or Lemon-Aid the clown. In 1996 I went to Ukraine to a children’s camp, I brought Lemon-Aid with me. It was a challenging trip and I told God unless you ask me to return, I won’t!  Well he has asked me to return from the invitation of the Ukrainian Clowns! This time Zappy will accompany me! I am excited to be a part of this trip with Hearts for Ukraine to see God’s word bring life … abundant life to the Nation and the Orphans and anyone else the Lord puts in our path! Clowns bring joy that last for the moment … Jesus brings supernatural JOY that last for Eternity! I am filled with overflowing joy to be able to be an Ambassador of his supernatural JOY! Thank you to all who have had a hand in sending and praying for us! God Bless you with his Supernatural JOY! 

Anita Sisler  Hello 🙂 My name is Anita and I’m thrilled to be joining Al on this summer trip to Ukraine.  Ever since Al mentioned his 1st trip, my heart leapt inside of me, and I knew at that moment that at some point I would go with Al to visit the orphanages.  I’ve worked with children and teens for the past 26 years in various capacities, but mostly in the area of drama.  I feel strongly that this will be part of what I am to bring to this trip.  I long to go to at least 1 baby orphanage and just hold and pray over those precious ones.  I’m excited to see and experience all that God has in store for this team and to come away with a mission that will continue long after we leave.  Thank you to all of you who support this amazing work and continue to pray……those prayers will pave the way!   

 Al & Team Itinerary


I am so grateful that the Lord has sent these two wonderful sisters in Christ to my ministry! As a team we’ll travel to Eastern Ukraine and share God’s Kingdom with the orphans. I humbly ask for your prayers and financial support as we prepare for this journey. As always, our goal is to bring orphans the True Hope and Joy that only comes from knowing Jesus as Savior and King! We can’t wait to get started!  Our focus regions, where we will minister …

  • June 25 – 27   Donetsk 150 children in 2 orphanages. 
  • June 28 – 30   Lugansk 200 children in 2 orphanages. 
  • July 1 – 3          Kharkov 200 children in 3 orphanages.


 Please! Help Us Get to Ukraine This Summer! 

Our goal of raising $7,000 for this trip is steadily being realized, however we are still short by about $1,800. Here’s what we’ve got covered so far and what we still need! Please prayerfully consider a gift to our ministry at this time, and bless us as we go to the Nations!   

Trip Costs by Category… 
  •  Airfare  –  $3,000  $4,000        Covered!
  •  Translators – $500                   Covered!
  •   Housing/meals  – $800            Almost there!
  •   Transportation  – $600           Half way there!
  •   Orphanage gifts – $1,100        Still Needed! 

Thank you again for your financial support and prayers. For more information about the Hearts for Ukraine ministry go to: www.hearts4ukraine.org and www.hisservantal.blogspot.com.May God bless you for supporting His Kingdom work in Ukraine! For His children, 

 Alfred Scoglio,    Anita Sisler &   Brenda Smith