January 22, 2010

Jan 22 ’10 – Ministry Team Assembles in Ukraine


I arrived safely including the critical trip in car yesterday from Kyiv airport to Kyiv train. I arrived with 20 minutes+ to spare (which is what I prayed for).
I had been telling everyone that the weather here is just the same as home. Wrong! It was very windy snowy and cold when I arrived here yesterday. From the air it was really a surreal scene seeing everything in white and gray (snow ice trees and rivers, farmland). The temperature has been around 8 F but on Saturday night it will go down to -26 F. This is what I call three layer weather!
Plans have changed slightly. Tomorrow we go to Lugansk, and only for one day. It is 3 hour drive each way and we have meetings planned with 2 or 3 pastors. This is very good to make these connections for future trips. I am very very pleased that God is finally opening the door here in Lugansk for this ministry of prayer, spiritual warfare and saving souls!
Sunday we will be back in Donetsk region for another all day trip to a 220-children orphanage in Snejnoe. There will be 18 of us travelling in 2 vans. Pray for safe travels because the roads which are normally bad with potholes and ditches are covered in snow ruts and ice to make driving even trickier. We will be buying toiletries for all the children and have a 5 hour program planned with them.
Sunday after church and lunch we will go to a smaller orphanage in Makeyevka of about 50 kids. It will be a shorter version of the same program based on the birth of Jesus, our Savior.
Monday will be a day to rest. Tuesday is open for now, and Wednesday we go on to Kharkov region.
I’m glad I brought my long johns!

God Bless you all.
Al Scoglio
Missions Director
, Hearts for Ukraine