December 2009

Dec ’09 – Announcing Ukraine Christmas Mission

Dear Friends,

Orthodox Christmas was recently celebrated in Ukraine on January 7, 2010. They continue to celebrate the birth of Jesus through the end of the month. It is a great opportunity for us to give each child a special gift on our upcoming mission trip. Our very full schedule includes visiting over 1,000 orphans where will teach these children about wonderful Christmas Story and God’s awesome plan to save his loved ones. This will be the most intense schedule of witnessing to orphans for Hearts for Ukraine, since its beginning in 2006.
As of this writing, we are still short about $1,100 in funding. I am looking for individuals to sponsor a region, support a cause or make a general donation to assure the success of this mission. A very small Christmas gift costs about $2.50 per orphan. The cost of bringing the Gospel and gifts to the children are listed here by region:

1) Donetsk Region: 520 children in 3 orphanages – $1,300.
2) Lugansk Region: 200 children in 2 orphanages – $500. Already sponsored!
3) Kharkov Region: 125 children in 2 orphanages – $312.
4) Cherkassy Region: 50-150 children in 1-2 orphanages – $125-750.
5) Zhitomir Region: 150 children in 2 orphanages – $750.
6) Girls winter coats – Only $15 buys a fur coat for an orphan girl!

In Kharkov Region there is a special need for a pastor and his family. Pastor Yevgeniy and his wife Alena have opened their home to my team and me for the past three visits. Their clothing business folded about 2years ago and they were stuck with and inventory of 500 hand-made fur coats for girls. As they are struggling financially and sending two children to attend university, they fear they may have to sell their home. Pastor Yevgeniy would very much like to sell these coats at material cost only @ $15. each. Ideally he’d like to see theses coats donated to orphan girls or young women.
Would you be willing to purchase one or more fur coats that will be given to orphans this winter? Would you be willing to sponsor Hearts for Ukraine to visit orphans in one these regions listed above? Or maybe you can give $25 that will buy gifts for 10 orphans this year.

To donate send checks to “Hearts for Ukraine” 89 Winthrop Rd., Plymouth, MA 02360 or online at http://www.hisservantal.blogspot.com.
Thank you for prayerfully considering this last minute appeal to bless a child this Orthodox Christmas!

Alfred Scoglio, Mission Director